- How it Works

GET INVOLVED freight exchange
Just Added
  • From: Kidderminster To: Rochester
  • From: Cardiff/Caerdydd To: Bodmin
  • From: Wrexham/Wrecsam To: Northampton
  • From: Wrexham/Wrecsam To: Northampton
  • From: Cardiff/Caerdydd To: London’s easy to use transport exchange is powered by an intelligent load matching system and designed to help haulage companies and couriers find available haulage jobs and courier loads across the UK. Our freight exchange can also benefit any freight forwarders, manufacturers or commercial businesses that are looking to get their loads delivered.
Load Placed – A haulage company places a load to be subcontracted out or a manufacturer posts a load that needs delivering. New loads are placed on every day, only our members can place loads onto the site which is quick and easy.
Load Discoverable – Once a load is placed it appears instantly on our transport exchange making it discoverable in load search results. Your load will be matched to suitable members and freight alerts will be sent out to them within seconds via email.
Load Found – Members of will be able to find a load on our transport exchange via our interactive search functions and freight alerts. Only registered members will have access to your load's contact details.

Job Agreed – Members who are interested in your courier job or haulage load will contact you directly. Both companies can discuss and agree upon rates, payment terms and conditions. Members can check each others feedback from previous jobs and download their business documents so they are sure they are choosing the right company for the job. do not take any commission on loads meaning our members can get the best prices possible.
Job Complete – Once the job has been agreed, the load has been marked as sold and the load has been delivered the company who took the job will invoice the load poster with the terms that they agreed. Once payments have been made both companies can leave feedback so that other members can see how smoothly the delivery job went.

To find out why you should become a member of the UK's busiest freight exchange please select one of the options below.

haulage exchange for haulage companies     courier exchange to find courier work
 Benefits for Haulage Companies                                                Benefits for Couriers


How to Find a Load

Gone are the days of needing to phone around to all of your contacts to find available delivery work, with over 90,000 loads a month you can now find all the outgoing loads, return loads and regular loads you would need via our transport exchange.
There are a few different ways in which a haulier or courier can find a load on,

  • Use the interactive load map – On our home page we have an interactive map of the UK displaying the available loads as icons. By clicking on a load icon the map will zoom in and the load icons will disperse giving you a more accurate location of the loads. Once the map has zoomed in you can click a load icon to view the type of load, you can then click it again to be taken to the load detail page.

  • Use the map – On our home page we have a map of the British Isles which has been split into 12 geographical areas. By clicking on an area of the map you can find all of the available loads going out from that area. Once you have done this you can filter the load search results by vehicle type, delivery destination, departure destination and date.
  • Use the quick load finder – If you are looking for a specific back load you can use the quick load finder near the top of our home page. Simply select which town or city you need the load to be going from and the same again for the return location then press ‘search loads’. This will show you all of the available van and truck loads that match your search.
  • Set up freight alerts – If there are any locations that you regularly need a back load from or a location where you are always looking for new courier or haulage work then setting up freight alerts would really help. Once you are a member of our haulage exchange you can set up freight alerts on your account so when a load is added in a specific location of interest you are alerted by email within seconds. For example if you were a haulage company in West Yorkshire and had a regular weekly contract to deliver a full load to the West Midlands you could set up your freight alerts to notify you of any back loads going from the West Midlands back to West Yorkshire, that way as soon as a load is added for that specific route you will be alerted by email.
freight alerts

  • Place a vehicle – If you have a regular transport contract with a supplier and you often run your vehicle back empty or you have a delivery job booked but no return load you can add your vehicle to our transport exchange. By adding your empty vehicles to the site our members who have freight alerts set up for vehicles in those locations would be notified that you are available and can contact you directly. Once your vehicle is added it will show up in the search results when freight forwarders and suppliers are looking for vehicles for their loads.
Find a load by placing your empty vehicle

Getting Your Haulage And Van Loads Delivered

Whether you are a manufacturer looking for a competitive haulage quote or a courier company looking for a subcontractor for your excess loads, with thousands of members on we can help to get your loads delivered. For added piece of mind each delivery job which is completed on our freight exchange receives feedback helping you to make the best choice when choosing a transport company.
Here are the ways to get delivery quotes for your loads.
  • Place a load – This is the most important thing you can do if you are looking to get your loads delivered. Once you are a member you can place multiple loads via the 'Place a Load' page. Once a load has been placed on to our site every member who has freight alerts set up for those areas will be emailed to let them know your load has been added. At that point any interested haulage companies or couriers will contact you directly to discuss delivering the load for you. You negotiate prices and terms with the member directly, does not get involved in the payments and does not charge any commission on loads ensuring that you can get the best possible prices.
Place a haulage load
  • Use the map – In the same way that you can search for a load using the map of the British Isles on the home page you can also find an available vehicle. Make sure you click the ‘Find Vehicle’ tab before selecting the area on the map.
  • Set up freight alerts – You can set up freight alerts for empty vehicles, this is great if you have regular loads that need delivering to or from the same areas. Once your freight alerts are set up you will be notified of any new empty vehicles added to the site that match your alert preferences.
Freight alerts for haulage backloads
Watch our step-by-step guide on placing loads, marking loads as sold and sending job confirmations to see how easy using really is!

Save money and reduce your carbon footprint with Returnloads.Net

With up to 5,000 new loads per day, saving over 250 million miles per year, the impact for the UK's Carbon footprint alone is huge.