96 % of Consumers value transport sector

Published: 14 November 2012

96 % of Consumers value transport sector
With an overwhelming 96% of consumers agreeing that the road transport sector is important to the UK economy, continuing to improve safety and skills within the sector is of paramount importance.
Road safety is clearly a concern to the general public. According to a recent survey on behalf of the Commercial Vehicle Forum 2012, 29% of respondents said they were deeply concerned with the perceived poor driving ability of foreign truck drivers when asked specifically what dangers commercial vehicles posed.
17% expressed concerns over excessive speed and 16% said poor driving or lack of awareness from truck drivers in general worried them.  The same question posed to transport industry professionals again confirmed fears of driving standards among foreign drivers (40%) while a lack of awareness from other road users was the greatest danger for 33% of respondents.
Paul Everitt, SMMT Chief Executive said, “Safety is of paramount importance to the UK commercial vehicle industry and we will look to engage business, trade associations and government in the drive to introduce higher standards among both foreign and UK truck drivers.”
Geoff Dunning, RHA Chief Executive said, “As the only UK trade body dedicated solely to the road haulage sector, safety is a key issue for our members. UK hauliers are already subject to strict safety standards – it is our aim that the rest of the EU should follow our example.”
Source: HGVUK
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