Consultation on Red tape challenge

Published: 18 December 2012

Consultation on Red tape challenge
A package of measures promised as part of the Red Tape Challenge were launched for consultation by Roads Minister Stephen Hammond last week.
The consultation looks at ways of streamlining the way in which operators have to comply with regulations around drivers’ hours; tachographs and the support of green technology.
Roads Minister Stephen Hammond said:
"We asked the industry to let us know what pieces of red tape they found time-consuming or unnecessary.
"We have listened to what operators had to say and are taking action to put their suggestions into practice. We are committed to giving Britain’s businesses the freedom to create jobs and build a strong economy. Getting rid of badly thought-out or obsolete regulations is part of that."
The proposals include:
- Exempting vehicles carrying cash/valuables from the EU drivers’ hours rules;
- Adopting the European timescales for downloading digital data to 90 days (it is currently 56);
- Removing three regulations from the statute books*
- Incentivising the use of goods vehicles using greener technologies through the operator licensing system
The proposals would cut red tape for operators of commercial goods vehicles and passenger carrying vehicles.
The consultation will last for 10 weeks and will close on Friday 22 February 2013.
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