Despite Coronavirus concerns, logistics is business as always

Published: 04 March 2020

Despite Coronavirus concerns, logistics is business as always
On March 3rd, Prime Minister Boris Johnson hosted a press conference addressing the nation’s concerns regarding coronavirus and some of the ways it could impact the country, also adding a series of precautions that can be taken by members of the public to ensure further spreading of the virus can be avoided.

RHA members have their own concerns regarding the state of coronavirus and the ways which we could see it develop, creating a potential outbreak across the UK. For logistics, this could have a major impact on cross-border trade and lead to a lack of supplies to meet demand for a lot of countries.

For hauliers and members of the logistics industry, there were some important pointers to take from the meeting that took place:

- As recommended by health organisations, constantly washing hands will help contain further spreading the virus
- Sharing of information should be from trusted sources to avoid misinformation and further panic
- Consulting the latest FCO travel advice when planning any journeys
- Be aware that the suggestion to manage COVID-19 for many will be self-isolation at home and over the counter medicines.
- Stay up to date if the situation changes any further.

The RHA is keeping a close eye out for updates and ensuring that members of the haulage industry are kept in the loop regarding any major updates that will have implications for drivers. They plan to cover any reporting from mainstream media as well as advice from health organisations - whether the advice is to the general public or specifically for haulage and logistics.

International hauliers can check travel advice directly from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office as well as from the For travellers returning to the UK from overseas, a complete guide is also accessible thanks to the UK government.

Any drivers or other staff who recently travelled from high-risk countries who start to feel ill are being advised to:

- Stay in homes and avoid contact with others to stop spreading of flu
- Call the NHS on 111 and mention recent travels.

For everyone else, as said previously the best cure is to stay healthy. Keep washing hands thoroughly and avoid touching parts of your face while in public. Along with covering mouth and nose whenever you cough or sneeze.
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