Eurotunnel: no more roofless freight shuttles

Published: 22 April 2013

Eurotunnel: no more roofless freight shuttles
Following delays caused by debris coming off trucks during a trial which began last year, the use of roofless freight shuttles has been ruled out by Eurotunnel after the debris interfered with equipment, leading to disruption.
A spokesman from Eurotunnel confirmed that delays had occurred due to incidents where tarpaulin had come loose from vehicles travelling on the roofless shuttles.
Freight shuttle is now equipped with portions of roofing on some of its wagons after Eurotunnel reverted back to the former configuration.
The spokesman says:
 “We’ve invested into the freight crossing system to make it quicker to load and unload. We have been testing the shape of the new generation of truck shuttles, but we have gone back to the old prototype.”
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