Female HGV drivers will save £5billion haulage industry

Published: 21 January 2016

Female HGV drivers will save £5billion haulage industry
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According to industry experts, the shortage of up to 11,000 HGV drivers in Scotland’s haulage industry is leaving the country’s economy on the verge of collapse.

Politicians and Haulage firms strongly believe that by targeting women in their recruitment process will help alleviate the shortage of drivers which could cause serious implications for Scotland’s economy.
Scottish Nationalist Chic Brodie warned this week that the road haulage industry is worth £5billion to Scotland’s economy.

Nationalist MSP Chic Brodie addresses industry "ticking timebomb" fear.
Nationalist MSP Chic Brodie addresses industry "ticking timebomb" fear.

“Approximately 15,000 drivers have to be recruited each year in Scotland to address the shortfall and this ticking economic timebomb” Brodie told MSP’s in a Scottish Parliament debate, reffering to the prospect of 16% of Scotland's current HGV driver workforce retiring in coming years.

Female HGV drivers like Ashley Haywood could rescue the Scottish haulage economy

Earlier in the year it was reported that Ashley Haywood had passed her Class 1 to become not only Britains youngest female HGV drivers, but one of Britains youngest 44 ton artic lorry drivers working for Alliance Healthcare
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