Fixed penalties for ignoring lane warnings

Published: 21 December 2016

Fixed penalties for ignoring lane warnings
The Department for Transport have decided to update the laws so fixed penalties can be given to drivers who ignore any indications when entering red X lane closure signs while on motorways.

The announcement took place on the 9th of December 2016, meaning Police are now authorised to give fixed penalties for offences. This was in response to comments in the Commons transport select committee when discussing all-lane running and is a concept that was urged by the RHA during a press release back in July.

Police have been stunned by the amount of drivers overlooking warning signs and continuing into closed lanes, with some drivers even slowing down to film any accidents that may have occurred. Offenders now face three penalty points and a £100 fine. Many drivers have expressed concern for the government’s neglect to resolve any incidents with vehicles ignoring any road signs warning of closures.

“Bringing forward an effective deterrent is vital to ensure safety on our motorways. DfT action to make it clear why compliance with red Xs is important. The intermediate step of writing warning letters is also welcome,” said RHA director of policies, Jack Semple.

“All-lane running is hugely important if we are to help make productivity gains in the UK economy. It is absolutely right that the DfT and Highways England maintain continuing dialogue with the committee and with organisations such as the RHA and we welcome the commitment to do so.

 “The review of Emergency Refuge Areas and assurance that any design improvements identified will be applied to those already built should re-assure road users that the all-lane running programme will give us better use of the motorways without compromising safety. It is right that Highways England presses ahead with its programme,” Semple stated.
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