RHA Increase military in Calais

Published: 05 June 2017

RHA Increase military in Calais
Invoice financing
The RHA have demanded the French PM, Edouard Philippe send more military to maintain order and security around the Calias Border.

Richard Burnett, RHA Chief Executive sent a letter to the PM stressing the ever increasing loss in the UK’s economy and how this is impacting business for the thousands of HGV drivers and traders that use the Channel daily ever since the summer of 2015.
When speaking in regards to the concern over security between France and the UK the RHA Richard stated:
“The unabated action by migrants and the people smugglers is crippling Calais and its environs. For the third successive summer we are once again calling for the French to deploy their military to restore law and order to the region so that hauliers and the people of Calais can live and work safely, securely and without fearing acts of violence and intimidation from those whose only goal is to reach the shores of the United Kingdom at any cost.
“The safety of UK-bound hauliers, the economy of Calais and the safety of its citizens cannot be put in jeopardy as a result of increasing migrant mayhem.”
The FTA is also urging that all members take serious caution when moving goods around various port areas and that all drivers should be very vigilant with any plans to approach the Calais border and on returning journeys be sure that all vehicles are kept secure and above all else maintain their own personal safety.
The Prime Minister has yet to respond to the RHA’s formal letter, until then drivers will continue their daily work despite the potential risk on approach and leaving the country via the Calais border. Last October the infamous “Jungle” which held residence to thousands of migrants faced closure but security around the border has barely improved since taking this action. The RHA’s letter could convince the Government to add military support to the border.
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