Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme Awards

Published: 01 February 2013

Logistics Carbon Reduction Scheme Awards
The LCRS awards, launched in September will be presented at FTA’s Cutting Carbon, Cutting Costs Conference to be held in May with the entry deadline being extended to Friday 22 February, the awards have been developed to celebrate the efforts of green leaders in the freight industry along with individual LCRS members attempts also being recognised.
Judging the awards will be FTA President Stewart Oades; Professor David Cebon, Professor of Mechanical Engineering, University of Cambridge; Patricia Hayes, Director of Roads, Department for Transport; Nick Gallop, Director, Intermodality. Dr Bob Moran, Head of Low Carbon Vehicle Regulation, R&D and Procurement, Office for Low Emission Vehicles and Jonathan Murray, Deputy Director, Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership.
The award categories are:
· Carbon reduction through fuel efficiency (sponsored by Bridgestone Tyres)
· Carbon reduction through use of alternative low carbon fuels and technologies (sponsored by Iveco)
· Carbon reduction through innovative fleet management
· Carbon reduction through use of low carbon transport modes
Any LCRS member company with a green freight initiative worthy of an award is invited to enter one or more of the award categories.
SOURCE: hgvuk.com
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