Overtaking cyclists to be banned for truckers

Published: 27 June 2014

Overtaking cyclists to be banned for truckers
ReturnLoads.net can report that Truck drivers could be banned from overtaking cyclists in a radical government proposal to create cycle streets.

Part of a Department for Transport (DfT) consultation on updating traffic signs and road markings, the cycle streets will give priority to bike users on “lightly trafficked” roads and include possible overtaking bans for motorists, as well as imposing a 15mph speed limit.

The DfT wants to kickstart its initiative by running trials of the cycling-priority zones in London and in the UK’s cycle cities – ie those that received a share of the government’s Ј77m funding pot to improve cycling infrastructure, such as Leeds, Manchester and Bristol.

But Chris Snelling, head of urban logistics policy at the Freight Transport Association, is concerned about the lack of detail in the consultation and is urging the DfT to provide further information. “Is this a carte blanche for councils to turn any road they want into a cycle street and ban overtaking, while asking vehicles to stick to a 15mph limit? This would be unsustainable from a logistics point of view,” he said.

Director of policy at the Road Haulage Association, Jack Semple said: “I think we will probably be OK with the cycle streets – especially if the cyclists stick to 15mph. However, of more concern is the extent to which some local authorities are re-thinking the speed limit on some roads where 30mph is sensible and considering imposing a 20mph limit. That is fine for many roads, but I fear it may be over-done by some councils.”

ReturnLoads will report more on the story when news becomes available.

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