Petition launched calling for EU-wide 20mph urban speed limit

Published: 17 January 2013

Petition launched calling for EU-wide 20mph urban speed limit
As part of the European Citizen’s Initiative (ECI), a push to introduce a mandatory 20mph speed limit within all urban areas across the European Union has been launched online.
Following FairFuelUK’s success by using the UK government’s e-petition system, ECI’s, formally introduced in April 2012 are similar in operation and require cross-country support from at least seven EU member states to be accepted for a public vote.
Demanding a 20mph EU-wide default speed limit , the 30 km/h – making the streets liveable! Petition has gathered support in a bid to reduce road injuries and reduce noise and pollution.
As long as local authorities were able to show how the needs of vulnerable road users and the environment were being met, they would have the power to set alternative speed limits where appropriate.
If the e-petition, currently at just over 8,000 signatures, achieves one million within the next year, the European Commission will consider the policy proposal.

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