Post Brexit Trailer Registration

Published: 13 April 2018

Post Brexit Trailer Registration
The DfT (Department for Transport) has given additional details on a plan to introduce a registration scheme to benefit UK trailers that travel internationally. Meaning haulage operations will be undisturbed by the public vote to depart the European Union which will come into action in 2019.
“We intend to require the registration of commercial trailers over 750kg and non-commercial trailers over 3,500kg that enter a foreign country that has ratified in the 1968 Vienna Convention on Road Traffic.” 
The DfT continued in their report: “Small, private use trailers such as caravans and horse trailers would not fall within the scope of mandatory resignation, but may be registered voluntarily to guarantee their rights when travelling to such countries.”
Trailers on the move to countries such as: Republic of Ireland, Spain, Cyprus and Malta won’t need to register, DfT explained in the report. Unless the driver were to pass through a region that has ratified the 1968 convention. Trailers from Northern Ireland will only need to register if they have plans to travel to continental Europe.
The plans are set to be operational by the end of 2018, this will mean that operators will have the opportunity to register ahead of the UK taking on the 1968 convention following Brexit. Another benefit is that there will be no additional testing regimes or annual tax for trailers. However, an initial registration fee will be required, that covers trailer for life.
 “We expect the administration fees to be lower than those for the registration of motor vehicles (currently £55)” stated DfT.
“Following launch, trailer users in mandatory categories will be required to register with the DVLA through a digital service. Once registered, the trailer users will be required to carry their registration certificate and must affix their registration plate to the specified trailer.
There will be offences associated with the scheme for trailers incorrectly registered or breaching any of the other provisions of the bill.
Formal consultation with industry will inform the regulations made under the bill and refine the detailed service design”
Following the Brexit vote the DfT are taking these precautions to ensure that the haulage industry benefits from the UK’s departure from the EU as much as possible with the hopes of maintaining some of the trade relationships that the industry has developed over the years on an international scale.
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