Public outcry as Dartford Crossing charge rises

Published: 02 October 2018

Despite drivers expressing their frustration with the Dartford Crossing as well as a petition to stop charges taking place across the bridge gaining almost 10,000 signatures, the Crossing’s discount offered to drivers will suffer from a decrease from 33% to just 20% which will increase costs for drivers using the bridge.

This means the price will now be £2 overall for use of the bridge. The good news is this doesn’t apply to lorry/bus drivers, only Class B vehicles with pre-paid accounts.

Dart Charge spoke with Kent Live:"It is only for the cars with pre-paid accounts so if its a van or lorry there's no increase.

"The increase is only for cars under 9 seats. Drivers will have to pay £2 per crossing, rather than £1.67 as it is now. This will take effect from October 1.

"It is still going to be a discount price for cars to pre paid, while vans and lorries are staying the same."
The crossing is notorious for causing severe delays for drivers in the area with heavy queuing thanks to the increased amount of traffic that passes over the crossing on a daily basis. Drivers have taken to social media to express their frustration with this change to the bridge.

Many drivers factor in that originally, there was only supposed to be a temporary charge for the bridge when it had first been constructed, but the charge has remained and only ever increased up until now. Despite many expressing their frustration, the charge continues to increase for drivers who use the bridge.
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