Truckers could face “days without food or toilets” in Brexit No-deal queues

Published: 08 August 2019

Truckers could face “days without food or toilets” in Brexit No-deal queues
With the anticipation building up to discover whether the British Government and European Union will reach an agreement in regards to trade in-between the UK and EU, many firms are left anxiously awaiting the outcome to see what kind of an impact Brexit could have onto business and their means of trade on an international scale.

More recently, Michael Gove has warned of the consequences that could follow if the EU continue to proceed “putting up barriers” throughout the negotiations. Elaborating that the impact will damage trade for drivers across Europe as much as it will the UK’s.

Truckers could see severe delays, with no routes to turn-off or service stations – it could mean some will be stuck in cabins for a long time if the estimates of these queues are to be believed. Drivers could be in for a waiting period two-days long without any additional food or facility to use the toilet, which has raised concerns even higher for many of the firms who operate in/out of ports such as Calais and Dover.

An RHA spokesman delivered the prediction of the queues with a lack of welfare facilities for truckers to support the overwhelming amount of traffic along these routes during Operation Brock.

Speaking on the matter, Mr Gove stated that the UK is “Ready to leave on October 31, deal or no deal” elaborating on the PM’s efforts, “using all of his energy” to come to an agreement that respects both the UK and EU demands.

The RHA met with Mr Gove among many other organizations to discuss the future of trade following October 31st and some of the predictions as to what the country can expect.

Policy director for the RHA, Duncan Buchanan said “People under-estimate the scale and complexity of it. I believe the reasonable best-case scenario that authorities are working on is between 24-48 hour delays on all vehicles. We have huge road delays. We have a serious problem. If a lorry is caught up 24 hours on the motorway, where does the driver go to the toilet?”

He elaborated: “They’re putting in no welfare provisions whatsoever. This is absolutely outrageous that drivers can be treated like they’re completely unimportant. There needs to be proper facilities for drivers so that their welfare is looked after.”

Regarding negotiations with the EU, Mr Gove gave his views: "I'm sad that the European Union appear not to want to talk at the moment. We've been clear that we want a deal and the Prime Minister is using all of his energy in order to make the message clear to our European friends that we want a good deal that works in all our interests.”

"And we're approaching that in the spirit of friendliness. But at the moment, the EU appear to be putting up the barriers, saying that they don't want to talk. I'm sure they will change their mind, I hope they will change their mind, but we are ready to leave on October 31 deal or no deal."
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