Website launched by Government to show lorry drivers available facilities

Published: 21 April 2020

Website launched by Government to show lorry drivers available facilities
In this time of uncertainty, drivers need to be fully aware of where they can and can't stop for a rest. For many hauliers and freight planners, this was proving to be a major issue while out on deliveries or moving back loads. During the COVID-19 pandemic, this was proving to be a major issue for truck drivers trying to plan their route, along with transport planners hearing that many facilities were turning drivers down. Until now. Thanks to platforms such as Returnloads, hauliers have an easier means of keeping track of their loads and mapping deliveries all over the UK - enabling many firms to run their business by much easier means and secure the work they need, while being in contact with those with loads that urgently need moving to meet supply-and-demand.
In addition to this, the Warehouse Exchange offers an opportunity to those with warehouse space available to get in touch with those who urgently need to store their goods for the foreseeable future. Thanks to the site's unique and resourceful flexibility to match whatever needs an individual has, many have found security in their work through the use of and the Warehouse Exchange.
More recently, the Department for Transport launched their own website, which is set to support hauliers planning their routes and ease the amount of confusion as to which locations they can or can't access. With the new website available, DfT is providing a service that will make the entire logistics process during the outbreak much easier to plan ahead for.
On the website, owner drivers can find a full list of service stations open for use - which facilities are available at each stop (meaning drivers can also eat at their favourite chains) along with their availability and how many vehicles they can support at any one time.
Transport Secretary Grant Schnapps announced the new site in a statement: “Every day our hauliers deliver lifesaving medicines and keep our shelves stocked across the country during COVID-19."
“To make each journey easier, we have developed a website to help plan journey breaks - showing where drivers can access the facilities they need."
RHA policy director, Duncan Buchanan also spoke on the matter: "This is helpful to lorry drivers who, when lockdown began, suffered from very silly decisions to shut down toilets and showers, so we welcome this.".
“However we need the government to ensure going forward the provision of more and better facilities for our lorry drivers and for councils to approve planning permission for lorry parking facilities which have been rejected in the past for no other reason than nimbyism.”
The info is available at:
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