What the agreed Brexit deal means for the logistics industry

Published: 21 October 2019

What the agreed Brexit deal means for the logistics industry
During a recent meeting that took place with the European Commission, Prime Minister Boris Johnson was able to reach an agreement for Brexit – meaning for the first time, a deal was agreed between both parties. This would mean there would be no plans for introducing visas for tourists from the EU and this would have no implication for European citizens living within the UK. There is still much uncertainty as to how the value of the pound will be changed.

Until 31 December 2020, UK nationals living legally within an EU territory will be able to remain in their residence and enjoy the same rights as other citizens. After this term, visitors to each nation will be subject to immigration terms. Before 31 December 2020, UK citizens will still be able to move freely to and from the EU.
With a final transition period of December 2020, a new agreement will need to be formed regarding the backstop by that time that both parties can agree to respectfully. While this deal still needs to be approved by Parliament and taken to the House of Lords, this is the first time since the Brexit process began that negotiations between the UK and EU have been successful.

The big question is what would this mean for members of the logistics industry and how would haulage be effected?

While this is all speculation, here are some of the terms that could be agreed to:
The UK remains a part of the single market: Whether it be a part of the European Union, or through terms of the European Economic Area (which applies to Switzerland and Norway). As long as terms are agreed to – the UK will still use freedom of movement as it has for years within the EU. This would be beneficial for many international businesses who profit from the flexibility of movement between the nations of Europe.

Trade outside of Europe: One of the hopes to come out of Brexit would be that the UK would have the opportunity to forge new trade deals with other nations in the Commonwealth and across the globe. This would be a huge boost for the economy – making the UK more economical than ever before.

Hauliers will not need documentation to access Europe: One of the big worries for hauliers was the amount of paperwork that would be due following the outcome of a no-deal Brexit. Whichever terms are/aren’t met – lorry drivers are hoping that document provision at ports will remain essentially the same, meaning much less paperwork for them to handle on a regular basis if they are operating on an international scale.

With a due date to leave the EU in 10 days time, a second vote is being held within Parliament to push the deal that the PM and EU came to last week. If the deal is not approved by Parliament and taken to the House of Lords, we could see a further delay on Brexit and most likely a general election – which puts the nation’s fate back into question.

For hauliers and members of the logistics industry at this stage, we’re used to not having many of our burning questions answered – as there is no certainty on what the outcome will be regarding Brexit. For many business owners, this is reaching the boiling point. With little knowledge of how to prepare for a Brexit that we simply cannot predict.
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