Whole Vehicle Type Approval seminar - a first for FTA

Published: 14 March 2013

Whole Vehicle Type Approval seminar - a first for FTA
The Freight Transport Association will be holding its first Whole Vehicle Type Approval seminar on 11 June 2013 at the Hilton Coventry Hotel. The event will focus extensively on European rules on construction standards for road vehicles which are being introduced on a European-wide basis for Whole Vehicle Type Approval.
With the requirements of the directive being gradually introduced up to October 2014, and with the rulings set to apply to vehicles not previously covered, including buses, coaches, vans, trucks and trailers as well as other special purpose vehicles, the content and timing of this FTA seminar could not be more appropriate.
FTA's Whole Vehicle Type Approval seminar is also aimed at operators who are considering buying a 'one-off' vehicle but may not be aware of the complexities involved in the Whole Vehicle Type Approval as it will explore how the requirements of the legislation will affect vehicle construction standards and procedures, vehicle design and build processes, registration and entry into service.

Key themes which will be covered with the Whole Vehicle Type Approval seminar are:
• Overview of EC Whole Vehicle Type Approval and National Small Series Type Approval schemes
• Single and multi-stage vehicle build requirements
• How the legislation will affect the bodybuilding and vehicle conversion industry
• VOSA Individual Vehicle Approval
• Impact on operators and advice from industry experts
In addition delegates attending will also benefit from an extensive seminar programme including:
• Understanding how Whole Vehicle Type Approval legislation and requirements will affect vehicle specification, construction, build processes and entry into service
• Saving time with all the key information required to keep ahead of the changes
• Understanding how they can plan ahead to ensure requirements of whole vehicle type approval and the impact on their vehicle specification and operation
Places booked before 30 April 2013 are available at a special 'Early Bird' rate of £285 + VAT per delegate. Thereafter places are available to FTA members at £325 + VAT for the first delegate and £275 + VAT for subsequent delegate to non-FTA members at £385 + VAT for the first delegate and £345 + VAT for subsequent delegates.
SOURCE: fta.co.uk
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