Young people can save the UK from HGV driver shortage!

Published: 19 December 2018

Young people can save the UK from HGV driver shortage!
There are currently over 40,000 vacancies for lorry drivers across the country according to research provided by the FTA and RHA. This figure is said to be increasing as many drivers retire, but with a future generation that currently has no interest in filling their shoes.

According to, future drivers could be inspired by one of their events, getting the full experience of driving a truck. This could also mean some youngsters would consider it as a career path in the future.

Kids as young as 10 years old can take part, driving a truck for themselves. “We want to ignite a passion for trucking in a youngster who is given the opportunity to climb into the cab” said Dan Jones, Trackday’s operation manager.

 “Going on a truck driving experience could be the answer to relieve the chronic shortage of lorry drivers in the UK as it gives drivers a taste of what it’s like to handle a 480hp beast.”

“We have children as young as 10 years old getting behind the wheel of an HGV, alongside an HGV instructor, and loving every second of it as they get to grips with 16 gears around a specially designed course.”

The experience does also offer the chance for adults to try the same thing, driving a truck. Trackdays also hopes it inspires them to consider becoming a lorry driver as a career. If you’re out of ideas for Christmas gifts and you know a truck lover who isn’t on the road, this could be the perfect gift!

In 2016 research from found that young people are the least likely to train to become a lorry driver, due in part to the costs during training. The average trucker is around 57 years old with many fleet managers with an urgency for a new generation of drivers. During a survey they found 1-in-5 18 to 24 year olds would consider pursuing a career as a lorry driver.
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