Haulage News & Transport News

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  • HGV Apprenticeships Additional Investment
    17 June 2021
    HGV Apprenticeships Additional Investment

    Ministers have agreed to increase the funding limit for Large Goods Vehicles apprenticeships to £7,000 from 1 July.

  • TMS leaders Mandata and Stirling combine to bring the best  of technology to the road haulage industry
    06 January 2021
    TMS leaders Mandata and Stirling combine to bring the best of technology to the road haulage industry

    LDC-backed Mandata, one of the UK and Ireland’s leading transport management software providers, has today strengthened its service offering by adding Stirling Solutions to its group.
    Newcastle-headquartered Mandata (Management and Data Services) Ltd and Stirling Solutions Ltd will together form the newly created Mandata Group, serving 2000 customers through its 120-strong employees.

  • Loads more efficiency for UK transport as Mandata grows into freight exchange
    16 December 2020
    Loads more efficiency for UK transport as Mandata grows into freight exchange

    In June of this year, Mandata Group acquired Returnloads.net the UK’s leading freight exchange provider helping manufacturers, shippers, and distributors find new transport suppliers, as well as enabling transport operators to expand their networks and find new work.

  • HSE inspecting logistics sector to ensure COVID guidelines followed
    03 December 2020
    HSE inspecting logistics sector to ensure COVID guidelines followed

    The HSE is working with businesses to ensure that companies within the logistics sector are adhering to COVID safe guidelines.

  • Government fails to produce Brexit Handbook
    25 November 2020
    Government fails to produce Brexit Handbook

    UK Haulage groups have criticized the government for failing to produce a clear and concise ‘handbook’ to help HGV operators prepare for Brexit.

  • Are longer trailers on the horizon for the UK?
    10 November 2020
    Are longer trailers on the horizon for the UK?

    Yesterday, the UK Government announced a consultation on the use of longer semi-trailers (LSTs) on UK roads after a near 8 year long trial.

  • RHA creates 'RHA Customs Brokerage Service' for post Brexit trade
    02 November 2020
    RHA creates 'RHA Customs Brokerage Service' for post Brexit trade

    There are now approximately only 10 weeks until the UK will leave the EU behind with no further ties as the transition period comes to an end and the Government has acknowledged that “time is running out for businesses to prepare” As an answer to this, the RHA has created the ‘RHA Customs Brokerage Service’ to assist with cross-EU border processes.

  • Minister criticises businesses for taking a ‘low energy’ approach to Post-Brexit trade.
    15 October 2020
    Minister criticises businesses for taking a ‘low energy’ approach to Post-Brexit trade.

    The Treasury and Cabinet Office Minister Lord Agnew has recently stated that operators “Must engage in a more energetic way” to be ready for the end of the Brexit transitional period on 31 December.

  • ‘No Delay’ for DVS and LEZ despite pandemic
    06 October 2020
    ‘No Delay’ for DVS and LEZ despite pandemic

    An announcement from London City Hall late last month confirmed that the enforcement of the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) and the increase restrictions and tightening of the London Low Emission Zone (LEZ) will continue as planned on 1 March 2021 irregardless of the economical impact COVID-19 has caused.

  • BIFA say’s Government is 'retaliating' within Brexit talks
    29 September 2020
    BIFA say’s Government is 'retaliating' within Brexit talks

    A leaked letter to the logistics sector shows the government's usage of the ‘Carwyn James’ approach to business, says BIFA.

  • "Huge" chance of chaos in Kent and Essex after Brexit
    10 September 2020
    "Huge" chance of chaos in Kent and Essex after Brexit

    A haulage industry leader has warned that there is a huge chance of chaos in the Essex and Kent area when the brexit transition period ends.

  • DfT proposes THESE changes to the highway code
    27 August 2020
    DfT proposes THESE changes to the highway code

    The Department for Transport has proposed three new changes to the Highway Code that would fundamentally pass the liability onto HGV drivers in the event of a collision with cyclists/motorcyclists regardless of who is at fault in certain situations and could make pedestrians the top of the food chain in terms of giving way..

  • Issues for UK Hauliers on the horizon
    06 August 2020
    Issues for UK Hauliers on the horizon

    “Getting ready for changes: Communication on the readiness at the end of the transition between the European Union and United Kingdom” was the titled document published by the European Commission later last week – which will explain how operating between the UK and Europe will work once the Brexit process is fulfilled and the UK has left the single market.

  • Around 50% of UK & Ireland lorry drivers do not complete daily checks for trucks
    31 July 2020
    Around 50% of UK & Ireland lorry drivers do not complete daily checks for trucks

    A survey was taken by fleet vehicle safety specialists CameraMatics – the survey was researching into how consistently they carry out checks on vehicles. Walkaround checks are commonly part of the everyday routine for fleet operators and HGV drivers alike – ensuring their own safety and that of others while out on the road.

  • FTA changes name to Logistics UK
    23 July 2020
    FTA changes name to Logistics UK

    The FTA recently published an update describing various changes that are set to be made to their daily business – one of which involves significant changes: this includes changing their name to Logistics UK. Which will go into effect from the 27th of July 2020.

  • Public anger over post-Brexit lorry park in Ashford
    15 July 2020
    Public anger over post-Brexit lorry park in Ashford

    Many members of the public have voiced their concerns about the recent plans to develop a post-Brexit lorry park which will stretch over 27-acres and act as a pit-stop between Brexit customs clearance as well as other facilities nearby in Dover. Site developers hope it will reduce the rate of traffic on the nearby M20 and mean that the delays lorry drivers will face won't have implications for other vehicles.

  • Moto ends free meal scheme for truckers
    07 July 2020
    Moto ends free meal scheme for truckers

    During the course of the pandemic drivers played a role as essential workers, being sure goods kept moving across the country at a rate that met public demand on a regular basis. For their devotion, various shops and food chains offered truck drivers supplies and food while they were out on the road - some of whom were out consistently during the lockdown. Some choosing not to return home for weeks on end.

  • Returnloads Joins Mandata Group
    22 June 2020
    Returnloads Joins Mandata Group

    Mandata has announced that Return Loads, the online freight exchange has joined the Mandata Group with effect from June 19th, 2020.

  • EU says no to "light touch" border following Brexit
    16 June 2020
    EU says no to "light touch" border following Brexit

    Despite the talks for Brexit still taking place and both parties hoping to make the best out of the circumstanced for both the UK and Europe, the European Union has stated that there will be regulatory checks for Britain - which will alter the course from that of the "freedom-of-movement" across Europe the UK has experienced the last few decades and was hoping to maintain whatever the outcome of Brexit talks may have been.

  • Logistics will need more time to make a success of Brexit, says FTA
    12 June 2020
    Logistics will need more time to make a success of Brexit, says FTA

    According to the FTA, in order to give businesses more security throughout 2020, additional time and resources must be put into ensuring that a deal can be reached between the UK and EU - whether this includes an extension on the transition period or not, for the sake of owner drivers and HGV firms.

  • "Keep moving" with Volvo Truck's new finance program
    08 June 2020
    "Keep moving" with Volvo Truck's new finance program

    Lorry drivers at the moment could really use a break! Thanks to Volvo Trucks and their financial services, they have one! Due to the increased demand for support during the COVID-19 pandemic, Volvo has launched a financial program to secure purchases of their vehicles for businesses.

  • Northern Ireland logistics will need time for Brexit implementation - says FTA
    05 June 2020
    Northern Ireland logistics will need time for Brexit implementation - says FTA

    The Freight Transport Association has entered a request for Government officials to introduce an implementation period once a Brexit agreement has been reached. This would be an extension on the 1 year deadline, meaing those who casted their vote to leave the European Union could have to wait a while longer until the UK is in a reasonable state to do so. Even more so in light of the pandemic faced through 2020 and the long-term implications it will have for the UK's economy.

  • PM thanks road hauliers for their "dedication" and "self-sacrifice"
    11 May 2020
    PM thanks road hauliers for their "dedication" and "self-sacrifice"

    Often throughout the COVID-19 outbreak it has been the case that many healthcare workers and other essentials have their moment in the spotlight, whether this is through applause, articles or viral videos of their hard work and dedication. Naturally, due to the amount of workers currently deemed as essential - not everyone would get their moment of acknowledgement to the public, although their sacrifice remains equally significant.

  • Challenges of the haulage industry during this pandemic
    04 May 2020
    Challenges of the haulage industry during this pandemic

    The shift, caused thanks to the pandemic, in the economy has impacted many industrial sectors on a global scale, while every industry has been affected - haulage is one case that has remained in-place with deliveries and movement of goods still shipping all over the world.


  • Forth Ports: Are we ready for Brexit?
    01 May 2020
    Forth Ports: Are we ready for Brexit?

    While COVID-19 has disturbed progress in many fronts, for many industries. One thing we still face uncertainty on overall, is the implications that Coronavirus could have on our expected departure period for Brexit. It is likely there will be consequences for some businesses even more so in light of Brexit and the COVID outbreak. However, speaking on the matter directly, Forth Ports (who manage the Port of TIlbury as well as many others across the UK) say they are ready for Brexit.

Just Added
  • From: Kidderminster To: Rochester
  • From: Cardiff/Caerdydd To: Bodmin
  • From: Wrexham/Wrecsam To: Northampton
  • From: Wrexham/Wrecsam To: Northampton
  • From: Cardiff/Caerdydd To: London

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